Denise Drisdelle
Registered Massage Therapist
I grew up in New Brunswick and graduated from St. Thomas University in 1995 with a BA (Honours in Psychology and a Major in French). After graduation I moved to British Columbia to pursue a career in mental health.
I grew up in New Brunswick and graduated from St. Thomas University in 1995 with a BA (Honours in Psychology and a Major in French). After graduation I moved to British Columbia to pursue a career in mental health.
While working at Spectrum I became interested in alternative healing practices, and I took some Health Science courses at UBC. Within this program I learned about Acupuncture and I was fascinated with this healing modality. I enrolled in the program, thoroughly enjoyed my first year of training, but was introduced to a form of Chinese Massage and discovered a new passion. At this point, I decided to switch to Massage Therapy and completed the program in 2005. My favourite course in the RMT program was Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD). I was fascinated with the technique and all the conditions it was useful for when other modalities could not treat them. For example sun burns, wounds, same day sprains and strains, concussions and acne to name a few.
Following my graduation I enrolled in the advanced MLD with the Dr. Vodder School. Soon after I was approached by InspireHealth, an integrative cancer centre run by medical doctors. Since 2008 I have been working as an associate practitioner and do staff education and monthly presentations to the members on how to manage Lymphedema. In 2008 I started as an assistant teacher with the Dr. Vodder School and in 2012 I became a Certified Teacher at the Basic level. My patients have taught me to live life to the fullest, to appreciate every day and to live in the moment. I am so grateful to have a career where I continue to learn and grow.
I can bill direct to ICBC and insurance companies through the following extended health providers and portals: Pacific Blue Cross, providerConnect, Telus eClaims and Sun Life.