JZ Bown
Registered Acupuncturist
At the age of eighteen, I had a motorcycle incident and a near-death experience (NDE) which gave me a profound insight and perspective of existence beyond my then held physical human experience perspective. The experience of trauma and recovery was a highly challenging yet also a highly valuable apprenticeship in creating wellness regardless of the size of the obstacles.
At the age of eighteen, I had a motorcycle incident and a near-death experience (NDE) which gave me a profound insight and perspective of existence beyond my then held physical human experience perspective. The experience of trauma and recovery was a highly challenging yet also a highly valuable apprenticeship in creating wellness regardless of the size of the obstacles.
Additionally. for over twenty years, investing thousands of hours of dedication, education, focus, and financial investment I explored many methods, concepts, and approaches in search of the most effective solutions for wellbeing, and when I started to work with psychic medicine my work became really eye opening, fun, and gratifying.
Around fifteen years ago I began to ‘wake up’ and that included an awakening of my psychic senses, I started to experience myself more multidimensionally, more vibrationally, and began to understand the spirituality and interconnectivity of all things in a new way, this led me to believe in the importance of healthcare that considers all aspects of self and expanding my idea of what ‘whole health’ means to me. I also changed my approach from wanting to be the best acupuncturist that I could possibly be where I was motivated to free people from their suffering, to wanting to be a healthcare provider without limitations (ideally) and now motivated to help reconnect people to spirit/source/the divine.
I value quality and precision highly when it comes to healthcare because they usually provide faster and more effortless shifts, I believe Psychic Medicine is a good tool in identifying and also in treat the underlying causes of disease, and Energy Medicine (including traditional Chinese medicine) I believe is an effective way to create favourable changes in many ways, physical and beyond because everything is energy / Qi. A way that I believe I can be a more capable person and practitioner is through my own inner-work so that I am clearer to channel, and more capable of seeing the authenticity of my clients beyond what they are expressing.
I spent my childhood in England, and traveled the world for nearly seven years prior to enrolling in my doctor of traditional Chinese medicine training, I currently live on Salt Spring Island in Canada, I believe anything is possible, I love what I do and feel truly blessed to do it.