Melissa Krull
Registered Massage Therapist
When Melissa is not in the office, she can be found ferrying two young children between their various after school activities, volunteering at the school, enjoying a hot drink with friends, skiing, singing, or creating ethnically diverse receipts for friends and family.
When Melissa is not in the office, she can be found ferrying two young children between their various after school activities, volunteering at the school, enjoying a hot drink with friends, skiing, singing, or creating ethnically diverse receipts for friends and family.
Melissa has close to 2 decades of experience as a healthcare professional. With a yearning to better understand the body’s ability to heal itself, Melissa has pursued extensive training domestically and internationally in several disciplines such as hydrotherapy (scrubs, wraps, and hot rock massage), Thai massage, Muscle Energy Technique, Craniosacral Therapy, and Visceral Manipulation. She has even taken some training in energy therapies such as Reiki and BodyTalk.
While Melissa has a rather diverse set of interests, one of her true passions lie in how Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is able to create an environment of healing inside the body. A decade ago, Melissa received her certification through Vodder International as a MLD/CDT therapist. Not satisfied with just bringing edema clients’ swelling down to a minimum, Melissa was determined to provide her clients a solution that would contain the edema. Naturally, she sought out extra training with Mediven Canada to become a compression garment fitter.
She can bill direct to ICBC and insurance companies through the following extended health providers and portals: Pacific Blue Cross, Medavie Blue Cross, Equitable Life, The Co-operators, nexgenRX, providerConnect, Telus eClaims and Sun Life.