Essential oils

Aromatherapy for Lymphedema

At Flow, we continue to learn and explore new ideas to ensure that our clients receive the best and the most up-to-date lymphatic care. Recently, Juzo Academy hosted a course on lymphedema and essential oils taught by Linda Anne Kahn, a Certified Lymphedema Therapist with the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA). She has been a lymphedema therapist and certified aromatherapist for 30 years. We were introduced to many novel… Read More »Aromatherapy for Lymphedema

fruit spread ketogenic

How a Ketogenic Way of Eating Can Help With Lymphedema and Support Brain Health

At first glance, you may not think that lymphedema or lipedema have anything in common with Alzheimer’s. But in fact, there are a few commonalities, namely the lymphatic-glymphatic system (which is the brain’s system of waste removal), inflammation and nutritional approach. Here we’ll touch on inflammation, as it relates to nutrition and lifestyle, but will focus on a nutritional approach that will provide marked benefits for all of these conditions:… Read More »How a Ketogenic Way of Eating Can Help With Lymphedema and Support Brain Health

woman lying on chair for radiation therapy

How Lymph Drainage Can Help Cancer Patients During Radiation Therapy

A common form of cancer treatment is radiation therapy which kills cancer cells with external beams of intense energy. The beams come from a machine and aims at a precise point on your body. Radiation therapy destroys the genetic material in the cancer cells preventing them from growing and multiplying. Normal cells may be affected as well. Radiation therapy may be used : as the only treatment for cancer (primary)… Read More »How Lymph Drainage Can Help Cancer Patients During Radiation Therapy

wood instruments for massage

Colombian Wooding Therapy

Colombian wooding therapy or wooding is a vigorous yet relaxing massage using oil, hands and multiple wooden tools. It is purportedly over a century old originating in South America, where it is known as maderoterapia; madera is Spanish for wood. The massage is generally not painful and rocks and shakes the body in a rhythmic manner while engaging the superficial and deep tissue layers. Wooding has many benefits such as… Read More »Colombian Wooding Therapy

woman receiving liposuction treatment illustration

Why You Need a Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction

Liposuction is a common yet intense surgery for the body to recover from. Many times, it is often performed in conjunction with a fat transfer to the glutes, hips, breasts or abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck”, making the recovery more complex.  Manual Lymphatic Drainage may assist in the recovery process after a surgery with the following benefits: Treating fibrosis  Liposuction not only removes fat but also the microscopic lymphatic vessels in… Read More »Why You Need a Lymphatic Massage After Liposuction

illustration of patient in surgery

How Manual Lymph Drainage Can Assist You Before and After Surgery

Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is an effective treatment before and after your surgery. Although your body has the ability and knowledge to heal itself, MLD can help decrease recovery time and promote healthy tissue prior to and after surgery.  MLD is not painful but can be combined with deeper techniques that may encourage softening of the tissues. Therapists will always work within a comfort level when applying these deeper techniques.… Read More »How Manual Lymph Drainage Can Assist You Before and After Surgery

kinesiology tape on upper back for lymphatic drainage

How Kinesiology Tape Encourages Lymphatic Drainage

A growing technique in treating swelling symptoms of lymphedema is the use of kinesiology tape on patients. Kinesiology tape is a fabric tape with elastic embedded within, allowing it to be stretched when applied to the skin. It is used to treat various conditions and injuries. In addition, it can be used in pain management. Once applied, it allows full mobility whereas other rigid tapes do not. Kinesiotaping works by… Read More »How Kinesiology Tape Encourages Lymphatic Drainage

two hands holding alcohol drinks

How Alcohol Affects Your Lymphedema

Drinking alcohol may be part of a social experience, on special occasions or celebrations with friends, as part of your meal or it may even help you relax after a tough day, but even a few drinks can affect your lymphedema.  What alcohol does to your body Alcohol is a diuretic, so when you’re drinking, you’re losing more liquid than you consume. Your kidneys also excrete more fluid as a… Read More »How Alcohol Affects Your Lymphedema


Gardening Tips to Prevent Lymphedema

If you have lymphedema or are at risk for lymphedema, here are some tips for you to help avoid triggering lymphedema flare-ups or skin infections while you garden. When gardening, it’s best to prevent the following: Bug bites Insects may have venom that will close down the local lymphatic routes so not to spread the venom. This may result in a swelling that might affect the entire limb. Other insect… Read More »Gardening Tips to Prevent Lymphedema

How to Choose a Bra for Lymphatic Flow

Breast cancer affects one in eight women in North America.  If you have had treatment for breast cancer you might be wondering what is the best type of bra to wear. Based on our field experience, we came up with some features that your bra should possess. Specifically, having a proper fit will encourage lymph flow and avoid the strangulation or tourniquet effects of elastics. Below are our five tips… Read More »How to Choose a Bra for Lymphatic Flow